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        ¸ðÀÓ Âü¼® Ãâ¼®ºÎ[516]

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2007³â °³Á¤µÈ °ñÇÁ·ê(½Ç³»)^^* °×µ¹ÀÌ

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USGA´Â 2007³âÆÇ °³Á¤ °ñÇÁ·ê¿¡ À̾î,
´ÙÀ½°ú °°Àº '½Ç³»(?) °ñÇÁ ·ê'µµ ¾Æ¿ï·¯ ¹ßÇ¥ÇÏ¿´À¾´Ï´Ù.
¾Æ·¡ 15°³ Á¶Ç×ÀÇ ³»¿ëÀ» ¿©·¯ ¹ø ÀÐ°í ¼÷ÁöÇϽþî,
°íÀÇ·Îµç ½Ç¼ö·Îµç, ·êÀ» ¾î±â´Â ÀÏÀÌ ¾øµµ·Ï
ƯÈ÷ 'ħ½Ç °ñÇÁ·ê'À» À§¹ÝÇÒ ½Ã¿¡´Â,
Æä³ÎƼÀÇ ºÎ°ú Á¤µµ°¡ ¾Æ´Ï¶ó,
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1. ¸ðµç Ç÷¹À̾î´Â ÀÚ±â ÀÚ½ÅÀÇ Àåºñ¸¦ °®Ãß¾î¾ß Çϴµ¥,
º¸ÅëÀº Ŭ·´ 1°³¿Í º¼ 2°³ÀÌ´Ù.
[Each player shall furnish his own equipment for play, normally one club and two balls.]

2. ÄÚ½º¿¡¼­ Ç÷¹ÀÌÇÏ·Á´Â ÀÚ´Â
¹Ýµå½Ã Ȧ ÁÖÀÎÀÇ Çã¶ôÀ» µæ ÇÏ¿©¾ß ÇÑ´Ù.
[Play on course must be approved by the owner of the hole.]

3. ½Ç¿Ü°ñÇÁ¿Í ´Þ¸®, ħ½Ç°ñÇÁÀÇ ¸ñÀûÀº,
º¼Àº ¹Ù±ù¿¡ µÐ ä Ŭ·´À» Ȧ¿¡ Áý¾î³Ö´Â °ÍÀÌ´Ù.
[Unlike outdoor golf, the object is to get the club in the hole and keep the balls out.]

4. °¡Àå È¿°úÀûÀ¸·Î Ç÷¹ÀÌÇϱâ À§Çؼ­´Â,
Ŭ·´ÀÇ »þÇÁÆ®°¡ µüµüÇÒ¼ö·Ï ÁÁ´Ù.
Ç÷¹ÀÌ°¡ ½ÃÀ۵DZâ Àü¿¡ »þÇÁÆ®ÀÇ °æµµ¸¦ Á¡°ËÇÒ ±Ç¸®¸¦ °®´Â´Ù.
[For most effective play, the club should have a firm shaft. Course owners are permitted to check shaft stiffness before play begins.]

5. ÄÚ½ºÀÇ ÁÖÀÎÀº ȦÀÇ ¼Õ»óÀ» ¿¹¹æÇϱâ À§ÇÏ¿©
Ŭ·´ÀÇ ±æÀ̸¦ Á¦ÇÑÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù.
[Course owners reserve the right to restrict club length to avoid damage to the hole.]

6. º» °ÔÀÓÀÇ ¸ñÀûÀº
ÄÚ½º ÁÖÀÎÀÌ ¸¸Á·ÇÒ ¶§±îÁö µÇµµ·Ï ¸¹Àº ½ºÆ®·ÎÅ©¸¦ ÇÏ´Â °ÍÀ̹ǷÎ,
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[Object of the game is to take as many strokes as necessary until the owner is satisfied. Failure to do so may result in being denied permission to play again.]

7. µµÂø ÇÏÀÚ¸¶ÀÚ ¹Ù·Î Ç÷¹À̸¦ ½ÃÀÛÇÏ´Â °ÍÀº ÁÁÁö ¾Ê´Ù.
³ë·ÃÇÑ Ç÷¹À̾îµéÀº º¸Åë Ç÷¹ÀÌ Çϱâ Àü¿¡ ÄÚ½º Àüü¸¦ µÑ·¯º¸¸ç
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[It is considered bad form to begin playing the hole immediately upon arrival. Experienced players will normally take time to admire the entire course, paying special attention to well formed mounds and bunkers.]

8. Ç÷¹À̾îµéÀÌ ÁÖÀÇÇÒ »çÇ×Àº,
ÄÚ½º ÁÖÀο¡°Ô Àý´ë·Î ´Ù¸¥ ÄÚ½º¿Í ºñ±³ÇÏ´Â
¸»À» Çؼ­´Â ¾È µÈ´Ù´Â °ÍÀÌ´Ù.
ÀÚÄ© À߸øÇϸé,
ÄÚ½º ÁÖÀÎÀÌ Ç÷¹À̾îÀÇ Àåºñ¸¦ ¼Õ»ó½Ãų ¼öµµ ÀÖ´Â °ÍÀ¸·Î ¾Ë·ÁÁ® ÀÖ´Ù.
[Players are cautioned not to mention other courses they have played or are currently playing to the owner of the course being played. Upset owners have been known to damage a player's equipment for this reason.]

9. Ç÷¹À̾îµéÀº ¸¸ÀÏÀÇ »çÅ¿¡ ´ëºñÇÏ¿©,
¿ìºñ¸¦ ÁغñÇÏ°í ´Ù´Ï´Â °ÍÀÌ ÁÁ´Ù.
[Players are encouraged to have proper rain gear, just in case.]

10. Ç÷¹À̾îµéÀº ¾Æ¹« ¶§³ª ÄÚ½º¿¡¼­ Ç÷¹ÀÌÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù°í
»ý°¢Çؼ­´Â ¾È µÈ´Ù.
ÄÚ½º°¡ ÀϽà '¼ö¸®Áß'ÀÌ¶ó¼­ ´çȤ½º·¯¿ï ¶§µµ Àִµ¥,
ÀÌ·² °æ¿ì¿¡ ´ëóÇÒ ¿ä·Éµµ ÇÊ¿äÇÏ´Ù.
»ó±ÞÀÚµéÀº ÀÌ·± °æ¿ì ´Ù¸¥ ¹æ½ÄÀÇ Ç÷¹À̸¦ Áñ±â±âµµ ÇÑ´Ù.
[Players should not assume that the course is in shape to play at all times. Players may be embarrassed if they find the course temporarily under repair. Players are advised to be extremely tactful in this situation. More advanced players will find alternate means of play when this is the case.]

11. ƯÈ÷ ÀÌÁ¦±îÁö Ç÷¹ÀÌÇغ» ÀûÀÌ ¾ø´Â ÄÚ½º¿¡¼­ óÀ½ Ç÷¹ÀÌÇÒ ¶§¿¡´Â,
½ÃÇÕ ÀÏÁ¤ÀÌ Á¦´ë·Î ÀâÈù °ÍÀÎÁö ¹Ýµå½Ã È®ÀÎÇÏ¿©¾ß ÇÑ´Ù.
Ȥ½Ã ±× ÄÚ½º¿¡¼­ ÀÌÀü¿¡ Ç÷¹ÀÌÇÑ ÀûÀÌ ÀÖ´Â »ç¶÷ÀÌ ³ªÅ¸³ª¼­,
¿Ö ÇԺηΠ³²ÀÇ ÇÁ¶óÀ̺ø ÄÚ½º¿¡¼­ Ç÷¹ÀÌ Çϳİí È­¸¦ ³¾Áöµµ ¸ð¸£´Ï±î.
[Players should assume their match has been properly scheduled particularly when playing a new course for the first time. Previous players have been known to become irate if they discover someone else is playing what they considered a private course.]

12. ÄÚ½ºÀÇ ÁÖÀÎÀº ȦÀÇ ½Ã¾ß¸¦ °¡¸± ¼öµµ ÀÖ´Â °ü¸ñµéÀ»
Àß ´Ùµë¾î µÎ¾î¾ß ÇÒ Ã¥ÀÓÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù.
[The owner of the course is responsible for the pruning of any bushes, which may reduce the visibility of the hole.]

13. ÄÚ½ºÀÇ µÞ Æí¿¡¼­ Ç÷¹ÀÌÇϱ⸦ ¿øÇÏ´Â °æ¿ì¿¡´Â
»çÀü¿¡ ¹Ýµå½Ã ÁÖÀÎÀÇ Çã¶ôÀ» ¹Þ¾Æ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù.
[Players are strongly advised to get the owner's permission before attempting to play the backside.]

14. ½½·Î¿ì Ç÷¹ÀÌ°¡ ±ÇÀåµÇÁö¸¸,
ÁÖÀÎÀÌ ¿äûÇÒ °æ¿ì¿¡´Â Á»´õ »¡¸® ÁøÇàÇÒ Áغñµµ ÇÏ°í ÀÖ¾î¾ß ÇÑ´Ù.
[Slow play is encouraged, however, players should be prepared to proceed at a quicker pace at the owner's request.]

15. ÇѹøÀÇ ¸ÅÄ¡¿¡¼­,
½Ã°£ÀÌ µÇ´Â´ë·Î,
°°Àº ȦÀ» ¿©·¯ ¹ø Ç÷¹ÀÌÇÏ¸é ³ôÀº Á¡¼ö¸¦ ¹Þ´Â´Ù.
[It is considered an outstanding performance, time permitting, to play the same hole several times in one match.]

Á¶È¸ : 470
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  437 Ãã ¹Ù¶÷ ³­ ¾ÆÁܾ¾...[0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-02-04 338  
  436 ¿ëȯ Á¡ÀïÀÌ[0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-02-04 253  
  435 °Å½Ã±âÇô ¹Ì¾ÈÇØ[0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-02-03 282  
  434 ³²ÀÚ°¡ ¸ð¸£´Â ¿©ÀÚÀÇ ¼Ó¿Ê[0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-02-03 688  
  433 ¾Öó°¡ ³²Æí,°£ Å« ³²Æí,¿±±â ³²Æí[0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-02-03 458  
  432 Âò¹æ¿¡¼­ ºÒ·û°ú ºÎºÎÀÇ ±¸º°¹ý?[0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-02-03 400  
¢º 431 2007³â °³Á¤µÈ °ñÇÁ·ê(½Ç³»)^^*[1]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-02-03 470  
  430 ¸®Çà 2.[0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-02-02 303  
  429 ¸®Çà ¾È ´Þ¸é?[1]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-02-02 285  
  428 Âü¾Æ!....óÀ½ÇÒ¶© ´Ù ¾ÆÇ°žß!......[0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-01-31 305  
  427 ½ä··°³±×[0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-01-31 259  
  426 Çѱ¹ µå¶ó¸¶¸¦ º¸¸é ¹è¿ï¼ö ÀÖ´Â 50°¡Áö[0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-01-31 562  
  425 ½Ã¾î´Ï¿Í ¸ç´À¸®°¡ ÇÏ´Â 5´ë °ÅÁþ¸»[0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-01-31 409  
  424 ´ëÆÄ ÁÖÀ̼Ò!![0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-01-29 244  
  423 ±â¿ÕÀÌ¸é ¾Æµé ³ªÁà~~[0]   ÇÏ°íÀâÀÌ 2007-01-29 345  
  422 ºñ½Ñ ¾Þ¹«»õ.....[0]   ÇÏ°íÀâÀÌ 2007-01-29 264  
  421 »ç¶û »ç¿ë¹ý[0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-01-27 316  
  420 °æ»óµµ ¿©¼±»ý´Ô.[0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-01-27 371  
  419 ¾ÖÀÎÀÌ ÀÖ¾îºÁ¶ó ¾ó¸¶³ª ±ÍÂúÀºÁö!![0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-01-26 298  
  418 [¼Óº¸] ¼³¾Ç»ê Èçµé¹ÙÀ§ ±¼·¯ ¶³¾îÁö´Ù[0]   °×µ¹ÀÌ 2007-01-26 454  

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